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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Danny Boy
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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by gueuzeman Fri Sep 11 2009, 13:39

Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Enzyte-tshirt-Swelling

How's tha, Werner?

This Piquet thing is gonna get messy, I predict a firehose and a squeegee to clean it up.


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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by TopContender Sat Sep 12 2009, 02:27

Nelson Piquet's FIA statement revealed

The legal statement made to the FIA by Nelson Piquet Jr has been leaked to the F1SA website. It is not clear how this has happened but we believe that the World Council dossier has been sent out and the leak must come from one of the members.

The statement made is as follows:

I, Nelson Angelo Piquet, born July 25, 1985 in Heidelberg, Germany... say as follows:

1. Except as otherwise stated, the facts and statements contained in this Statement are based on facts and matters within my knowledge. I believe such facts and statements contained in this Statement to be true and correct. Where any facts or statements are not within my own knowledge, they are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and, where appropriate, I indicate the source of that knowledge and belief.

2. I make this Statement voluntarily to the FIA and for the purposes of allowing the FIA to exercise its supervisory and regulatory functions with regard to the FIA Formula One World Championship.

3. I am aware that there is a duty upon all participants in the FIA Formula One World Championship and all Super Licence holders to ensure the fairness and legitimacy of the Championship and I am aware that serious consequences could follow if I were to provide the FIA with any false or misleading statement.

4. I understand that my complete statement has been recorded on audio tape and that a full transcript of my audio recording will be made available to me and the FIA. The present document constitutes a summary of the main points made during my full oral statement.

5. I wish to bring the following facts to the FIA's attention.

6. During the Formula One Grand Prix of Singapore, held on 28 September 2008 and counting towards the 2008 FIA Formula One World Championship, I was asked by Mr. Flavio Briatore, who is both my manager and the Team Principal of the ING Renault F1 Team, and by Mr. Pat Symonds, the Technical Director of the Renault F1 Team, to deliberately crash my car in order to positively influence the performance of the ING Renault F1 Team at the event in question. I agreed to this proposal and caused my car to hit a wall and crash during lap thirteen/fourteen of the race.

7. The proposal to deliberately cause an accident was made to me shortly before the race took place, when I was summoned by Mr. Briatore and Mr. Symonds in Mr. Briatore's office. Mr. Symonds, in the presence of Mr. Briatore, asked me if I would be willing to sacrifice my race for the team by "causing a safety car". Every F1 race driver knows that the safety car is deployed on a track when there is an accident which leads to the track being blocked either by debris or a stationary car, and where it is difficult to recover a damaged car, as was the case here.

8. At the time of this conversation I was in a very fragile and emotional state of mind. This state of mind was brought about by intense stress due to the fact that Mr. Briatore had refused to inform me of whether or not my driver's contract would be renewed for the next racing year (2009), as is customarily the case in the middle of the year (around July or August). Instead, Mr. Briatore repeatedly requested me to sign an "option", which meant that I was not allowed to negotiate with any other teams in the meantime. He would repeatedly put pressure on me to prolong the option I had signed, and would regularly summon me into his office to discuss these renewals, even on racing days - a moment which should be a moment of concentration and relaxation before the race. This stress was accentuated by the fact that during the Formula One Grand Prix of Singapore I had qualified sixteenth on the grid, so I was very insecure about my future at the Renault team. When I was asked to crash my car and cause a safety car incident in order to help the team, I accepted because I hoped that it could improve my position within the team at this critical time in the race season. At no point was I told by anyone that by agreeing to cause an incident, I would be guaranteed a renewal of my contract or any other advantage. However, in the context, I thought that it would be helpful in achieving this goal. I therefore agreed to cause the incident.

9. After the meeting with Mr. Symonds and Mr. Briatore, Mr. Symonds took me aside to a quiet corner and, using a map, pointed me to the exact corner of the track where I should crash. This corner was selected because the specific location of the track did not have any cranes that would allow a damaged car to be swiftly lifted off the track, nor did it have any side entrances to the track, which would allow a Safety Marshall to quickly move the damaged car away from the track. Therefore, it was felt that a crash in this specific position would be nearly certain to cause an obstruction on the track which would thus necessitate the deployment of a safety car in order to allow the track to be cleared and to ensure the safe continuation of the race.

10. Mr. Symonds also told me which exact lap to cause the incident upon, so that a strategy could deployed for my team-mate Mr. Fernando Alonso to refuel at the pit shortly before the deployment of the safety car, which he indeed did during lap twelve. The key to this strategy resided in the fact that the near-knowledge that the safety car would be deployed in lap thirteen/fourteen allowed the Team to start Mr. Alonso's car with an aggressive fuel strategy using a light car containing enough fuel to arrive at lap twelve, but not much more. This would allow Mr. Alonso to overtake as many (heavier) cars as possible, knowing that those cars would have difficulty catching up with him later in the race due to the later deployment of the safety car. This strategy was successful and Mr. Alonso won the 2008 Formula One Grand Prix of Singapore.

11. During these discussions, no mention was made of any concerns with respect to the security implications of this strategy, either for myself, the public or other drivers. The only comment made in this context was one by Mr. Pat Symonds who warned me to “be careful”, which I took to mean that I should not injure myself.

12. I intentionally caused the crash by letting go of control of the car just before the relevant corner. In order to make sure I would cause the incident during the correct lap, I asked my team several times via the radio to confirm the lap number, which I would not normally do. I was not injured during the accident, nor was anyone else.

13. After the discussions with Mr. Briatore and Mr. Symonds discussed above, the 'accident strategy' was never discussed again with either of them. Mr. Briatore discreetly said "thank you" after the end of the race, without mentioning anything further. I do not know if anyone else was aware of this strategy at the start of the race.

14. After the race I informed Mr. Felipe Vargas, a family friend and advisor, of the fact that the incident had been deliberate. Mr. Vargas further infirmed my father, Mr. Nelson Piquet, some time later.

15. After the race several journalists asked questions about the accident and asked me whether I had caused it on purpose, because they felt it was 'suspicious'.

16. In my own team, the engineer of my car questioned the nature of the incident because he found it unusual, and I replied that I had lost control of the car. I believe that a clever engineer would notice from the car's telemetry that I caused the incident on purpose as I continued accelerating, whereas a "normal" reaction would be to brake as soon as possible.

Statement of Truth

I believe and swear that the facts set out in this statement are true.

This statement was made at the FIA Headquarters in Paris on 30 July 2009 in presence of Mr. Alan Donnelly (FIA Chairman of the Stewards), Mr. Martin Smith and Mr. Jacob Marsh (both of investigations firm Quest, retained by the FIA to assist with its investigation). Notes were taken by Ms. Domenique Costesec (Sidley Austin LLP).


Nelson Piquet Jr.
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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by da silva Sat Sep 12 2009, 04:28

Werner wrote:Commenting on team boss Briatore, Alonso added: "He's always been a nice boss with me. A friend, he supports my career always. Flavio is one of the good people here."

From the dive, commenting on the scandal and his boss.

Hee hee hee ha ha he hee ha hee hee

Oh no please, after his time at McLaren, Alonso is Mr. Squeeky Clean, Srrh will be very upset at your accusations at Fernando. lol!
da silva
da silva
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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Gelert Sat Sep 12 2009, 10:53

So now, Piquet Junior is GAY...? Rolling Eyes

Briatore: Piquets' actions not a surprise

By Jonathan Noble and Michele Lostia Saturday, September 12th 2009, 08:40 GMT

Renault boss Flavio Briatore says it has been tough for his team to cope with the accusations levelled at them by former driver Nelson Piquet and his father - but he is not totally surprised at the way things have turned out.

Briatore believes that the race-fix claims levelled at him and his team, which he has denied and is taking legal action against the Piquets over, follows a pattern of besmirching that Piquet Sr carried throughout his F1 career.

One of his most famous outbursts came in a magazine interview when he was still driving, when the three-time champion accused Ayrton Senna of being gay and said that Nigel Mansell's wife was 'ugly'. Those remarks caused outrage at the time.

"We know Nelson's story, he's always run down everyone," explained Briatore at Monza. "Nelson drove for me and... Nelson is blackmailing, and that's what we have brought.

"It's very tough for Renault to have had these put downs from Nelsinho and from Piquet Sr, but then we know Piquet Sr. He has always denigrated everyone - starting from [Ayrton] Senna, to Mansell's wife, to everyone. That's what Piquet Sr has always done. I know him well because he raced for us, I know Sr better than Jr."

Briatore has also said that the complaints from Piquet Jr extended beyond pure racing terms - as he revealed he was also accused by the Brazilian of wrecking friendships he had.

"He [Nelsinho] has also heavily accused me of breaking his relationship with a friend of his. I don't want to be accused unfairly, so I want to say that I did it because Nelsinho's father asked me to," explained Briatore.

"Nelsinho used to live with this gentleman: the nature of their relationship is unknown. His father was very worried about the relationship Nelsinho used to have with this 50-year-old man. They used to live together, and his father asked me to intervene.

"I made this gentleman not come to races anymore, and I made Nelsinho move from Oxford to London in a building where I live, in order to keep him under control.

"I was asked to by his father, and now Nelsinho accuses me of having even taken his friends away from him - I don't know what kind of friends these are, but he accuses me of that."

Briatore's claims about Piquet come amid the surfacing of fresh details about the events of the day at Singapore and how he crashed his car on purpose.

In a second statement that Piquet supplied to the FIA at the office of investigative agency Quest in London on August 15, Piquet reveals that he was summoned into Briatore's office for the alleged meeting where the crash plan was discussed between 4pm and 5pm on race day.

He says the meeting did not last very long – and he was asked not to speak about what was discussed.

"In the course of the meeting, Briatore said very little," claimed Piquet in his FIA statement, a copy of which has been seen by AUTOSPORT. "As the meeting drew to a close, Mr. Symonds told me that I should not speak about the plan with anyone else and said that he would give me further instructions shortly. I believe the meeting in Mr Briatore's office lasted no more than ten minutes."

After claiming that Symonds later told him where to crash on the track, Piquet provided further evidence about how he deliberately caused the accident.

"After ensuring I was on the designated lap of the race, I deliberately lost control of my car on the exit to turn 17. I did this by pressing hard and early on the throttle.

"As I felt the back end of the car drifting out, I continued to press hard on the throttle, in the knowledge that this would lead to my car making heavy contact with the concrete wall on the far side of the track and thereby cause a crash necessitating the deployment of the safety car."

He added: "Once the back end of the car had begun to drift out, the only way of recovering control of the car and avoiding a contact with the concrete wall would have been to back off on the throttle.

"However, I did not back off the throttle to any material extent. Rather, I pressed hard on the throttle beyond the moment at which the back end started to drift out and, indeed, right up to and beyond the point of impact with the concrete wall."

Piquet's claims about how he caused the crash have been backed up by telemetry data of the incident, which forms part of the evidence against the Renault team at the World Motor Sport Council hearing that takes place in Paris on September 21.


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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Gelert Wed Sep 16 2009, 20:53

I hear that Renault F1 are going to be Subpoenaing the two Shamu Members who voted "No - he didn't do it", to appear on their behalf before the FIA World motor sport Council hearing next Monday...! pale

This latest "Symonds & Briatore are kicked out of Renault F1" has HUGE ramifications:

1) Briatore's co-ownership with Bernie Ecclestone of the London football club Queens Park Rangers, and - depending on the carmaker's reaction or the WMSC sanction - Renault's significant role in GP2 and other motor racing categories. Add the stigma of this to the economic climate and any excuse to cut costs, and I can see Renault as the car manufacturer pulling out of motor racing altogether - including the "World Series By Renault". That would be a major body-blow to motor racing in general. Crap...!

2) Red Bull Racing's 2010 engine plans are on hold until after it finds out about Renault's Formula 1 future in next week's FIA World Motor Sport Council meeting, AUTOSPORT has learned. This means that Mercedes might get the go-ahead to supply as many engines to as many teams as they like. With less than one month to go before Max retires, this might yet produce the "One Engine Supplier" result that Max has lately wanted...!

3) If Renault get kicked-out of next year's championship, Grosjean might not have a race seat - but Alonso might not have a race seat either....imagine if his Ferrari contract doesn't start until 2011, when Kimi goes...! But kicking Renault out might make an amount of sense to the WMSC: Lotus took BMW's slot on the grid, just before BMW announced that they've been bought out. The confirmation of BMW Sauber's new ownership arrived on the same day the FIA announced that the 13th and last entry in the 2010 championship had been awarded to the Lotus F1 Team owned by a company known as 1Malaysia F1 Team.
However there is hope that the BMW Sauber-Qadbak operation will nonetheless find its place on the grid with the FIA's support, since it has awarded the team a '14th place' in next year's championship in the event a vacancy opens up.
But such a scenario may not be necessary according to a statement from the sport's governing body: "The FIA believes that a good case can be made for expanding the grid to 14 teams. The FIA will be consulting urgently with the existing teams regarding the introduction of an appropriate rule change to expand the grid to 28 cars in time for the first Grand Prix in 2010."
A Formula One championship has not seen a field of 13 teams since the 1995 season; there were 14 teams competing the year before.

So, rather than the grid be extended to 26 cars, drop Renault for next year and let BMW take their slot(s)...?

Holy Crap - this is going to rock the boat, and no mistake.

Finally, I'd like to keep the below for posterity:

Transcript of Pat Symonds' FIA interview

Tuesday, September 15th 2009, 06:44 GMT

This if the official transcript of the relevant parts of an interview between FIA representatives and Pat Symonds, at the Belgian Grand Prix, discussing the Singapore Grand Prix race-fix allegations and the race morning meeting between himself, Flavio Briatore and Nelson Piquet.

FIA adviser: In your own words Mr. Symonds what do you recall being said to Nelson Piquet Jnr at that meeting? This is shortly before the race.

Symonds: I don't really remember it.

FIA adviser: You don't remember?

Symonds: No.

FIA adviser: Nelson Piquet Jnr says that he was asked by you to cause a deliberate crash. Is that true?

Symonds: Nelson had spoken to me the day before and suggested that. That's all I'd really like to say.

FIA adviser: Mr Symonds were you aware that there was going to be crash at Lap 14?

Symonds: I don't want to answer that question.

FIA adviser: There is just one thing that I ought to ask you and put it to you so you can think about it at least. Mr. Piquet Jnr says that having had the initial meeting with you and Flavio Briatore you then met him individually with the map of the circuit. Do you remember that?

Symonds: I won't answer, rather not answer that. I don't recall it but it sounds like Nelson's talked a lot more about it.

FIA adviser: Mr. Piquet Jnr also says at that meeting you pointed out a specific place on the circuit where he was to have the accident and said it was because it was the furthest away from any of the safety or lifting equipment and gave the most likely chance of a safety car being deployed.

Symonds: I don't, I don't want to answer that question.

FIA adviser: [Referring to the pre-race meeting] Was it you that did the talking at that meeting Mr. Symonds?

Symonds: I'm sure it would have been both of us but I don't know for sure. Sorry that's a contradiction. I would imagine it would be both of us that would be normal. Actually probably more often it's Flavio that does the talking himself. I wouldn't necessarily always agree with what he's saying but the majority.

FIA adviser: Because just to be absolutely clear here what Nelson Piquet Jnr has said is that at that meeting it was you that asked him to have a crash deliberately?

Symonds: I can't answer you.

FIA adviser: Can I say that if Mr. Symonds you'd been put in the position where you were made to ask Mr. Piquet Jnr to crash it's much better, it would be much better for you in the long term to tell these stewards to hear that today?

Symonds: I fully understand that.

FIA adviser: Yes.

Symonds: I have no intention of lying to you. I have not lied to you but I have reserved my position just a little.

FIA adviser: And you're aware that the stewards may draw conclusions from your unwillingness to assist them in relation to what went on in that meeting?

Symonds: I would expect them to. I would absolutely expect that.

FIA adviser: I think I haven't got any further questions.

Monty Python or WHAT...! lol!

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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Gelert Wed Sep 16 2009, 20:57

Gelert wrote: [i]Briatore's co-ownership with Bernie Ecclestone of the London football club Queens Park Rangers...

LOL - I forgot to highlight that point...!

How's this going to play-out, DB...?

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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Gelert Thu Sep 17 2009, 20:52

If you have the time, read...
...and click on to all of the pdf links.

VERY interesting. It almost appears as if Symonds was the detail organiser, whilst Flubbio merely the conductor / facilitator. But make-up your own minds.

Alonso involved...? Very probably, but after "Spygate", he's learned a few tricks... Suspect

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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by TopContender Fri Sep 18 2009, 13:44

This show how much of a Good ol Boy Club F1 is.

Piquet Sr. informed FIA last year

By Jonathan Noble and Michele Lostia Friday, September 18th 2009, 11:13 GMT

Nelson Piquet Sr. has revealed that he first informed the FIA about the Singapore Grand Prix race fix claims at last year's race in Brazil - but no action could be taken until his son made an official statement about the matter.

As further details about the race-fixing case continue to emerge ahead of Monday's FIA World Council hearing into the matter, Piquet claimed that he first brought the case to the attention of F1 race director Charlie Whiting at Interlagos in 2008.

British newspaper The Daily Mirror published extracts of an interview that Piquet Sr. conducted with Martin Smith of investigators Quest on August 17 this year where he talked about bringing the matter to light.

"When this thing happened in Singapore I couldn't believe it. I'd done motor racing for all my life," Piquet was quoted as saying.

"I couldn't believe this thing. And after I called Nelson and Nelson said yes they asked me if I could help and this and that. I said 'but you could have hurt yourself and if you didn't hurt yourself you could have hurt somebody else' and he said 'yeah, I know it's wrong' but anyway.

"Anyway in Brazil I talk to Charlie."

He added: "I got him and I said 'look, what could happen to Nelson if I bring this up?' And I was afraid to screw up the career of Nelson."

Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera has also published different extracts of the interview, and it suggests that Whiting told Piquet the matter 'could not be proved."

When Piquet later told FIA president Max Mosley, he said the response was: "Charlie has already informed me but we can't prove anything unless someone comes to tell me the facts."

It was only when Piquet Jr. made a testimony to FIA officials in the week after this year's Hungarian Grand Prix that action could officially begin from the governing body to investigate the matter.

The Piquets are having legal action taken against them by former Renault boss Flavio Briatore for blackmail - something Piquet Sr. is not too worried about.

Speaking to German magazine Auto Motor Und Sport, Piquet said: "Let him go ahead. I have the money to afford the best lawyers. And against what he wants to complain about? Against the truth?"
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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Trixie Fri Sep 18 2009, 16:04

From the transcript I read on autosport (let me find that link), it really seemed to me like Flav had no clue what was going on.

Between all this and what Senni put in there I now don't trust the Piquets at all.

Oh, link was in above linked article:

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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Gelert Fri Sep 18 2009, 19:53

Gelert wrote:I hear that Renault F1 are going to be Subpoenaing the two Shamu Members who voted "No - he didn't do it", to appear on their behalf before the FIA World Motor Sport Council hearing next Monday...! pale
Who's got the email then...? Who's been quiet on this forum of late...? lol!

TopContender wrote:This show how much of a Good ol Boy Club F1 is.
Agreed TC - quite unbelievable
Charlie was told at Interlagos LAST year: "When Piquet later told FIA president Max Mosley, he said the response was: Charlie has already informed me but we can't prove anything unless someone comes to tell me the facts."

Also covered by the dive: Max Mosley said at Monza last weekend that, despite earlier hearing rumours, the governing body could only move on the affair when Piquet Jr made an official declaration. But the FIA president also said he only learned about the Piquet family's actual allegations in July of this year.

Good to know that the legal process actually works though. Max gets caught on camera playing "Spanky Twister", keeps his job and then gets loads of money in damages. TC gets disbarred on regular occasions, and yet still survives to post quality on another day...with absolutely no financial gain to herself whatsoever.

It feels good to be part of the world at times. Wink

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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Henrik Fri Sep 18 2009, 22:39

I have to say that I am happy to read that Flavio has now been forced to leave F1 in shame following this cheating story from the race at Singapore. It is only a fitting end to him considering all the crap that he has done in F1 over the years.

What I find a bit depressing however is reading comments some people are making with regards to the various articles about this. Some are saying that they have been watching F1 for 40 years and now they have had enough etc. The thing is, this shit has been going on for so long, and as you know I have totally dropped out from watching it since a number of years now actually.

What is really depressing though is how some are saying this is really just too much as unlike Mclaren's spy scandal, here somebody could actually have gotten hurt. It's like the worst thing yet in F1. How quickly people forget Jerez 97, or Adelaide 94. I would think crashing on your own like Piquet did is nothing compared to actually crashing in to another competitor, but hey he went on to win 7 world championships, the first one as a result of such a crash. Oh, and was that not in a Benetton managed by Briatore?

The only good news I have read for the past 15 years is that Lotus might be back next year. Then again, that is probably really bad news given how it is actually some Malaysian setup with Proton that is bringing the Lotus name back.

No, for me F1 has been well and tuly dead for a very long time. I just can't wait for the day it is officially dead so that perhaps a new form of open wheel racing can begin because I still actually like open wheel racing. Well, not as much as two wheel racing though....
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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by TopContender Sat Sep 19 2009, 03:31

The next move would be to check the casinos for large wagers on any kind of bet related to this.

If there was a financial gain from this, that could be one nasty situation.
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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by H8R Sat Sep 19 2009, 04:53

Henrik wrote:Well, not as much as two wheel racing though....

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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by gueuzeman Sat Sep 19 2009, 05:59

H8R- remember, a bike with training wheels is 4 open wheel racing......
Razz Razz


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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by H8R Sat Sep 19 2009, 06:27

gueuzeman wrote:H8R- remember, a bike with training wheels is 4 open wheel racing......
Razz Razz



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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Trixie Sat Sep 19 2009, 18:57

TopContender wrote:The next move would be to check the casinos for large wagers on any kind of bet related to this.

If there was a financial gain from this, that could be one nasty situation.

Wow, hadn't thought about that. What is the law against that, I forget? Isn't that what Gretzky's wife was accused of?

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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by gueuzeman Sat Sep 19 2009, 19:15

It's why Pete Rose has never been allowed to be inducted into the baseball hall of fame.


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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by TopContender Sat Sep 19 2009, 22:15

Pete Rose bet on games that he was not part of.
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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Gelert Sat Sep 19 2009, 22:30

Henrik wrote:What is really depressing though is how some are saying this is really just too much as unlike Mclaren's spy scandal, here somebody could actually have gotten hurt. It's like the worst thing yet in F1. How quickly people forget Jerez 97, or Adelaide 94. I would think crashing on your own like Piquet did is nothing compared to actually crashing in to another competitor, but hey he went on to win 7 world championships, the first one as a result of such a crash. Oh, and was that not in a Benetton managed by Briatore?
Completely agree H...the merest hint of a spy-scandal, and the FIA went into Mac with all-guns-blazing. And yet in this Renault / Singapore instance, allegedly full proof has to be provided before the FIA / WMSC / Whomever is prepared to get even slightly excited about the issue.

I was chatting with my neighbour only this evening about this very same point - he's been an F1 fan for 50+ years, back to the good old days of Clark etc.
Much beer consumed and I think we've put the world to rights - at least locally. cheers

But what we DISagreed on, was the punishment that Renault F1 deserve, versus the punishment that Flubbio deserves, versus the punishment that Pat Symonds deserves, versus the punishment that Alonso deserves, versus the punishment that Piquet Junior deserves...phew...!

In line with our disagreement is this from Autosport:

Carlos Gracia, the head of the Spanish motorsport federation, has criticised the FIA for granting immunity to Nelson Piquet Jr in the Renault race-fixing case.

He also criticised Piquet's triple world champion Nelson Piquet Senior's handling of the scandal, and the younger Piquet's performances at Renault.

"He is a silly kid who doesn't know if he has pushed the throttle or not, because it's no coincidence that he's had 17 accidents since he's been at Renault," said Gracia.

"The father has an uncontrollable kid and he is a resentful parent. And when they turn the fan on, they try to get the s**t to hit as many people as possible."


Also, interesting points made elsewhere by Senninha re: F3 and guns and Piquet Senior and potential cheating back in 2002.

I'm also awaiting the outcome of the imminent "Todt versus Vatanen" match, that has been more-than-overshadowed by this Renault malarkey. I suspect that Spanky is rubbing his glands in glee as he manages to shuffle Toad into the FIA presidency seat, under-the-radar, courtesy of this latest F1 shenanigan...

Watch as Renault are kicked-out of F1 by the FIA, Toyota Corps don't confirm the F1 budget for their F1 team for next year in November 2009, thus leaving Mercedes and Ferrari as the only current F1 Engine manufacturers available to ALL teams for 2010...

...SOOooooo close to Spanky's idea of one engine for the entire grid....!


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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by TopContender Mon Sep 21 2009, 15:55

Flavio is out for good! He can't even walk into a race being sanctioned by the FIA (Hello NasCar). Also, every driver he manages can't race in a FIA event.

Pat got 5 years!

PK received immunity!
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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Trixie Mon Sep 21 2009, 17:07

Ridiculous. Although even with the immunity, I can't imagine any team wanting him now. And how can they stop Flav from managing drivers? Again, they may have come to the right finding, but their penalties don't make sense, in context.

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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Gelert Mon Sep 21 2009, 19:48

Now playing -> "Bye Bye Baby" - The BCR version... albino

Drivers in Flubby's FFBB stable are allegedly Heikki, Webber, Grosjean, and Lucas Di Grassi. Dunno if Trulli and Nando are still connected to FFBB (Fat Flav's Borgia Bazaar?)...

Ron got stuffed by the FIA 'cos they didn't like him - Flubbio has got barbed-wire enema'd by the FIA 'cos they don't like him even more than wot they don't like Ron...

Renault have got away with it once again - got caught spying on McLaren with no penalty, and now scot-free over this. They must have some seriously well-equipped S&M Dungeons down at Enstone... Suspect

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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by gueuzeman Wed Sep 23 2009, 13:24

So much for equal justice. $1.6 million, no racing ban or exclusion from this years championship.

If I was Ron Dennis I'd be pissed.


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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Werner Wed Sep 23 2009, 20:23

Henrik wrote:

No, for me F1 has been well and tuly dead for a very long time. I just can't wait for the day it is officially dead so that perhaps a new form of open wheel racing can begin because I still actually like open wheel racing. Well, not as much as two wheel racing though....

Henrik you may not have to wait too long, I hear Flav will be setting up his own series, ba haa ha ha! Razz
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Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy? - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting...! Singapore 2008 - Renault Conspiracy?

Post by Gelert Wed Sep 23 2009, 20:25

gueuzeman wrote:If I was Ron Dennis I'd be pissed.
I'm not, and yet strangely I am...! Beer Beer Beer


Got this email through today, via a UK Internet Job-site mail-out that I subscribe to:

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Feel free to apply...but it seems that the budget for Team Managers / Principals has dwindled somewhat...!

Perhaps Flubbio heard about this last year, and proceeded to confuse Principles with Principals...?

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